Today Kaleb started a two week Junior Lifeguards program through the city of Encinitas. It's a program where kids between 9-17 learn ocean rescue techniques, and communication and work on their physical fitness by running, doing calisthenics, and ocean swimming. Kaleb was a bit apprehensive about doing the program because he refers to himself as more of a land animal (hence the skateboarding vs. surfing) however he chose to challenge himself and had a fantastic time. He swam out further than he ever has, ran and worked out with enthusiasm. He loved learning about rescue techniques and enjoyed making new friendships. When I picked him up he was so enthusiastic about sharing all that he did and learned. He said he wished the program was longer and couldn't wait to come back tomorrow for more. When we got home he showed me all the exercises they worked on and I was so impressed because his technique had improved so much. He finally was doing jumping jacks, push ups and sit ups correctly. I'd been trying to show him during the various times he's worked out with me but it just seemed like he didn't get it but all it took were lifeguards to get him to learn the correct form. I'm so proud of him for going outside of his comfort zone and trying something different and having him feel good about it.
Day 1 Junior Lifeguards

Day 10 Junior Lifeguards
Morning warm ups and stretches
Water rescue techniques aka mock rescues
Today August 26th it was the last day of Junior Lifeguards and I had the privilege of watching the full program while hanging out at the beach with the kids. I watched their morning stretches, stairs and run, free swim and mock rescues. I was so impressed with the program especially the discipline that is instilled in the kids both physical and mental. After two weeks Kaleb is so much more confident in the water, is in better physical shape and is more willing to take on a challenge. I'm so glad that he did the program. He is sad the program is over but is excited about signing up next summer.
At pick up Kaleb was really excited that he received recognition at the awards ceremony for most inspirational junior lifeguard. When I asked Kaleb why he received this award he told me that he was acknowledged because he was always kept a positive attitude, and cheered his teammates on during the activities. I was so pleased to hear that Kaleb has such a kind heart.
Day 10 Junior Lifeguards
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